My Predictions for 2025

I wrongly predicted Donald Trump’s re-election here at RUSUK in 2020. Let’s put it this way: I didn’t miss it then, my prediction was delayed for four years. Anyway, I still dare to make predictions for 2025. And, yes, I will be somewhat optimistic.
First of all, why am I optimistic?
Simply, we hit the ground, and the only way things can change, in my opinion, is for the better, given one condition: I don’t believe a nuclear war might break out.
Let’s start:
Truce in Ukraine
Trump is going to strike a global deal on this issue that would be going beyond the mere conflict between Russia and Ukraine. I have heard an opinion that Northern Stream will find an American investor and that the gas will flow from Russia again, but with a new owner. This is a very good indicator of how unexpectedly things might change, forming a new landscape. The war is a deadlock, and both sides suspect they wouldn’t make much out of what they have now.
Putin would have to sacrifice his wet dreams of a regime change in Kyiv, as well as what he calls ‘Ukraine’s demilitarization.’ You won’t get it, Vlad. On the other hand, Ukraine will have to forget about returning to its pre-2014 borders and joining NATO.
Trump’s idea is to make ‘a fortress Ukraine’ with Europeans mostly paying for it and, again, British, French, and some other European troops positioned on the ceasefire line. Putin will be awarded a partial sanctions lift. Both sides will not achieve their ultimate goals. Both sides will have to sell the compromise to their people.
The End of Ayatollahs?
This Shiite-fascist regime has suffered severe blows in 2024. The debacle of HAMAS and Hizballah by Israel, plus the fall of Assad, marked the end of the Shiite arc. Their internal political changes and ever-worsening economic situation are other road signs. According to Iranian polls, most of the people do not support the Ayatollah’s rule. One recent sign that the authorities feel it and try to be flexible was a promise to lift the ban on Facebook and WhatsApp.
I bet there is a 50:50 chance of the regime change there in 2025. Trump’s return is a very bad news for ayatollahs. Somebody who is more sensible, like their current president, may start ruling Iran next year. If it happens, we will see the same changes Syria is experiencing now.
Israeli-Saudi Peace Deal
There were rumors that Iran inspired the October 7 attack on Israel to cancel the peace deal being cooked up. Now, with Iran’s proxies defeated and Iran facing tough challenges, Trump will help strike the deal. If he succeeds in brokering peace in Ukraine and the Middle East, he gets the Peace Nobel Prize.

The Taiwan Enigma
No big trouble here as China won’t make any sharp moves. Russia hasn’t achieved much in Ukraine, and China is coming to definite conclusions. It all depends on American leadership and strategy, and there’s a good chance that peace will prevail in the short term.
The Bitcoin (and other Crypto) Rise
After Trump’s win, who is pro-crypto, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have gained up to 30% in value or so. If the United States establishes the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve in 2025, Bitcoin’s rate to the US dollar will skyrocket. Buy it now to catch the bullish trend.
My favorite character will stay in power, though Russia will get into stagflation, according to even government sources, in 2025. Putin is the only point I am pessimistic about. Yes, he lost in Syria and is not winning in Ukraine. However, the political repressions and the Goebbels-style propaganda will help him declare a winner in Ukraine.
However, beyond 2025, strategically, Vlad is a loser. His archaic, imperialistic, and xenophobic regime will end the next day he dies because most part of the Russian ruling circles are fed up with the confrontation with the West, according to my assessment of the situation. In a less possible scenario, if thing go out of control in Russia after the truce, the elites will exchange Putin to lift the sanctions and strike a new deal with the West to get back to business as usual. Yet, even I believe this is a wishful thinking.
This is the crucial difference compared to Vladimir Lenin’s death. Putin is an autocrat with no ideology except for staying in power. Lenin had a plan, and many people around him shared his views on continuing his policy after his death. Putin’s sycophants will do what Assad’s clique and propagandists are doing now: trying to shift-on-the-fly. Putin’s ideology has no future.
See, I still managed to get optimistic on this issue, too!
My predictions for 2025

It’s easy to accuse me of having a half-empty glass and a very pessimistic outlook for my country when it comes to looking ahead to the next 12 months. But I suggest my concerns are legitimate.
Financially, the U.K. is in a mess and it’s only expected to get worse. British firms are predicting a sharp fall in business activity in the new year, with an increasingly alarming outlook. It seems many businesses will be cutting down on hiring, with output likely to be reduced. Following the chancellor’s decision to raise employers’ national insurance contributions, even she has conceded that there will be lower wage increases, and I reckon job losses will escalate throughout the year. Any growth plans the government might have could be scuppered by a trade war with the US if Trump’s threat to apply tariffs on EU exports to the US is realized.

The big problem is the new-ish Labour government inherited debt-ridden finances from the morally corrupt Conservative regime, but have inept and inexperienced ministers to put matters right. The result is an increasing amount of pessimism running throughout Britain, and when that cynicism and negativity comes to fruition, the people tend to revolt. Just look west across the Atlantic to see what is happening to a once mighty country.
Talking of which, I reckon America’s lunacy in putting that rabid monster back into the White House once again will come back and bite them where it really hurts.
But if I may stray away, just for a moment, from my bleak outlook, may I perhaps have the courage to show a tiny bit of optimism for my pal Sergey’s Russia? Maybe, just a little maybe, 2025 will be the year the great Russian people will finally begin the change they and the rest of the world need in Moscow…..
But back home, my prediction is more misery and hardship for the majority of the U.K.’s population, with only the rich having anything about which to smile. Happy New Year to you all!!
My Predictions for 2025

This is based on nothing: My gut tells me 2025 is going to be a huge year filled with a number of big twists. Here are a few of my predictions:
- Tesla tanks: Tesla stock has been talked up by Elon to the point that the SEC has gotten involved. This stock is way, way overvalued and when the correction comes, it will be ugly. For now, it’s all good, Wall Street is betting on a corrupt Trump Administration protecting Musk. It’s a good bet and they will make money. But that bromance will crash in flames soon enough. Tesla’s new robot, Optimus, will save the company from going under. It goes on sale in the fourth quarter and that’s about the right time. X may not make it and Elon will not be the richest guy anymore.

- Trump Funds Ukraine, biggly: Yeah, I know, that goes against everything he’s said, biggly. But Putin will ask for too much and overplay his hand (again). Putin can’t look weak! Trump will not have much choice in this matter: The Donald can’t look weak!
- Putin Dies: This one is directly related to the prediction above. The Russian economy is starting to implode and the oligarchs can’t be too happy just now. Putin can’t back down and the oligarchs can’t continue. To quote a former Putin advisor: “A bullet to the head – it’s the Russian way.”
- China’s Meltdown Accelerates: Two or three years ago China was on its way to becoming the biggest economy in the world. A force to be respected and reckoned with. Not so much now; Real Estate has tanked, foreign companies are running for the exits, the military is restless (?) and Xi may not to be fully in control. Finally, domestic consumption has absolutely flatlined. The world’s factory is fading fast.
- Hungry Gets Hammered: Viktor Orbán is about to discover paybacks are a bitch. On January 1st, Ukraine will stop Russian gas from transiting its territory. Orbán has refused to even consider another source. So, folks in Hungry and Slovakia are going to start watching the weather forecast close indeed. In fact, Slovakia is even making big threats; they love Putin. I’m sure many in Europe are secretly pleased to see this ass, Orbán, finally get his. Of course, he will start talking about the EU family and how he needs support in this hour of Hungary’s need. Don’t count on much help; they will do to you what you did to them. The people of Hungary are about to get an ugly surprise. Kinda’ makes you wonder about those elections in 2026. Have fun.
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