wrong way sign

Misconceptions about America

Photograph of Dean Lewis

Everybody, and I mean everybody, thinks they know Americans; stupid, dumb lovers of war and racism. May I offer a bit more of a nuanced vision? Yes, like every country, we have Rednecks. However, I have spent some months in Russia and a few folks there wear camo and drink hard. They consider themselves patriots and defend conservative values. Rednecks by another name.

To say that everybody in America wants war, owns a gun, and reads the Bible but only follows passages that align with what Fox tells them is not only not true, it’s insulting. So, I will now offer just one point for you to consider about the United States.

ATACAMs Missle

We love war because it’s profitable! All these big, rich American Companies want their bought and paid for politicians to declare war on these far away countries because these weapon systems cost billions and we all make serious Bank.

The Truth: Any large economy has numerous corporations that make money through different activities. Yes, some make money from arms sales. But to say that this single industry is the only one that counts in the US is simplistic to the point of silly. 

Consider this; I remember before Russia went into Ukraine, Moscow was the fifth biggest tourist destination in the world for Americans. Do you think that airlines, hotels, restaurants, and even petrol stations wanted sanctions on Moscow? Really? Did you know there are over one and a quarter million Russians living in the US? Many millions more are first generation Americans. How many million family members come to visit every year? I have personally taken Russian visitors to NYC, FL Keys, Vegas, LA, DC, Williamsburg, and more. 

International visitors spent approximately $213.1 billion in the US in 2023. Meanwhile, arms exports only reached $29.1 billion that same year. Ukraine made the second stage and Russia made the engines for ULA rockets. Even the US Department of Defense could not have been too happy about that little factoid.

Did you ever wonder about all the big American Corporations that were forced to leave Russia? Ford, Chevy, McDonalds, Big Oil, and Apple are all gone. All those iPhone sales wiped off the books. Most big multinationals were there and they are almost all gone now. The US Economy doesn’t profit off the conflict in Ukraine.

I sometimes get angry that so many are so misinformed… voluntarily. Like the Bible readers mentioned above, it matches what we wish was true so best not to ask too many questions. This is only one point and I limited myself to just one because of space. Obviously, there are many more and I could spend pages on this topic. My experience is that people everywhere are mostly the same. Many are caring and a few are broken but, as a group, we are more alike than not.

Misconceptions about Russia

Our Rusuk Blog writer Sergey

Russia is such a vast and diverse country with a past and future both unpredictable, depending on the current Party line, that misconceptions can vary accordingly.

Let’s go through the top stories.

Bottle of Russian Vodka

Vodka. Everyone drinks vodka in Russia, even toddlers! I have drunk it several times in my life. So yes, it counts in.

Bears. Well, mostly brown bears though their polar relatives are fine, too. Never seen a bear in Russia in the wild. But there are rumours, that bears in Russia are abundant.

Balalaika. This three-string Russian guitar-like music instrument is a fine décor for a life the Russian way.

Gypsies. These usually, according to local legends, come with bears and balalaikas, making up something of a circus for riches in old Russia. I have seen some gypsies in Russia, they are usually beggars.

Kazachok. This one is a Russian – and Ukrainian? — traditional dance with plenty of jumps and leg workouts. A very rare bird now in Russia if you are not a folk dancer.

Well, I also remember President Boris Yeltsin with, again, vodka but this thing has gone on January 1, 2000.  

The coolest thing is to catch an action where gypsies and bears would be dancing kazachok, playing balalaikas, and drinking vodka. If you can spot it, give a call: I won’t miss it!

Misconceptions about Great Britain, (or is it England, or is it the U.K………….)

Roger Bara

The biggest single misconception about my country of birth is people’s inability to differentiate between England, (the country in which I was born), the United Kingdom (U.K.), Great Britain, and the British Isles. Many people, including some Brits (!), interchange these regularly, despite each referring to distinct entities with their own specific characteristics and significance.

Let’s start with the British Isles. This term represents a group of islands located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe, and is purely geographical, not political. We’re talking here about the countries of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, together with a number of smaller islands known as Crown Dependencies. These include the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey, which have their own independent administrations, varying degrees of autonomy, and maintain their own legal systems.  

British Isles

Very different is the United Kingdom. This is a sovereign nation consisting of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is a political union, and in 1922, the Anglo-Irish Treaty led to the partition of Ireland, resulting in Northern Ireland remaining part of the U.K. while the rest of Ireland gained independence. 

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved governments, where the U.K.’s ruling elite in Westminster, London, allows these regions to govern specific aspects of their internal affairs, such as education, health, and transportation, while certain areas, like defence and foreign affairs, remain under the control of the UK government.

OK, so what on earth is Great Britain? How does that differ? Simples; this term refers to the largest island of the British Isles, containing just the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales. Again, purely a geographical term.

So, despite many misconceptions, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are all completely separate countries. And regardless of what many overseas visitors may think, these countries are bigger than they realise. You cannot undertake a tour of the capital cities, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast and Dublin, all in one afternoon…….

Finally, what is just British? If you look up the definition, you will see that this term means “belonging or relating to the United Kingdom, or to its people or culture.”

So now you know. I shall be testing you all on this during the coming weeks.